Examples of my experience to illustrate the positive input I can provide:
UK Integrated Waste Management Programme initiation – following the publication of the NDA Radioactive Waste Management strategy, which called for a new programme to deliver a more integrated approach to radioactive waste across the categories, I delivered the programme initiation activities to define an initial set of aims, objectives and intended benefits and an outline programme of work.
One NDA Handbook – working with NDA Executive and McKinsey to define a new operating model for the NDA. Following the development of an outline position I delivered a concise and accessible description of the model for employees, initiating the change programme that followed. This position was captured in the One NDA Handbook, which I co-authored with communications colleagues.
NDA Specifications – responsible for the development and maintenance of specifications for NDA’s Magnox, LLWR and RWM businesses. The specifications set the direction of the businesses by translating the NDA Strategy into thematic requirements. This required an understanding of NDA strategy across the mission and the practical challenges faced by each business to ensure that the specification is relevant and deliverable. This bridging activity has been essential to the successful implementation of NDA Strategy.
Magnox decommissioning and radioactive waste management strategy development - As the Strategy Implementation Manager for the NDA’s Magnox business, I performed the client role, as well as contributor and document checker, for numerous Magnox strategic studies to optimise the decommissioning and radioactive waste management strategy for the UK’s ten Magnox reactors sites and two nuclear research sites (Harwell and Winfrith). Projects included support to Magnox in the following areas:
Early work on the review of the timing of reactor dismantling and determination of the end state of the Winfrith site
Investigations into the optimisation of Interim Storage of ILW at Magnox sites and the approach to management of Fuel Element Debris Waste (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nuclear-sites-facilities-for-interim-storage-and-fed-dissolution-treatment)
Value for Money / Business Case assessment of the proposed Graphite Pathfinder Project at the Hunterston site (a proposal for the development of an on-site near surface disposal facility)
Update to IWM Strategy Specification document – Project lead and author for a major revision to the UK’s guidance on the production of Integrated Waste Strategies for UK nuclear sites. (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/eng01-specification-and-guidance-for-an-integrated-waste-strategy)
NDA Strategic Position on the management of graphite waste – I led a programme of work for the NDA strategy function to update NDA’s position on the management of graphite waste. This involved lab based studies to further understanding of graphite waste performance in repository conditions and strategic studies with Radioactive Waste Management Ltd to investigate the implications of graphite for the UK’s future GDF (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/strategic-position-paper-on-the-management-of-waste-graphite)
NDA’s point of contact with LLW Repository Ltd’s Environmental Safety Case – provided oversight of ESC development on behalf of the NDA, giving me a sound understanding of LLWR ESC, participation in key points of dialogue with the UK’s environmental regulator, exposure to ESC implementation and the interface between radioactive waste strategy and practical implementation.
Client for UK National Waste Programme (LLW) – point of contact / client on behalf of the NDA for the UK National Waste Programme, an integrated programme of projects, stakeholder dialogue and benefits management. The programme was led by LLW Repository Ltd and was established to ensure implementation of the UK Nuclear Industry LLW Strategy. My role was to ensure alignment with NDA and UK strategy and provide client input to the programme where required.
UK Nuclear Industry LLW Strategy – author of the UK’s first nationwide strategy for the management of LLW. Building on a multi-disciplinary programme of work, co-delivered by the NDA and LLW Repository Ltd, I was responsible for drawing together the outputs of the programme into a coherent, deliverable strategy. This strategy provided the impetus for a lasting and sustainable change in the management of LLW and provided a benchmark for future iterations and other radioactive waste strategies. (https://tools.nda.gov.uk/publication/uk-strategy-for-the-management-of-solid-low-level-radioactive-waste-from-the-nuclear-industry-august-2010/)
CLESA at Sellafield – acted as the Project Manager for design activities to support the development of an at-surface radioactive waste disposal facility at the Sellafield site. Also undertook quality assurance of the construction of the site during development.